Tuesday, April 15, 2008

tuesday, april 15, 08

guess what -- i get another popsicle! haha!
my lizard has a vet appointment today. i hope he will be ok, because he is constipated!!!! hehe. then i have dance, then i get to come back home and blog. and THEN, i am probably going to sleep shortly after, or reading.
oh, and just in case you're wondering, i homeschool, so that's why i'm here at home right now!

on thursdays, i go to dinner at my cousin's house. first, i eat dinner, then i hang out with my cousin joey and my sister sydney, then i play nitendo with my boy cousins, wilson and ricky. wilson is four and ricky is my age. he's only two weeks older than i am.
well, gotta go have that popsicle!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! You've been blogging a LOT lately!